

Physical Address

6th floor Mhlahlandlela Gvt Complex
Cnr 10th Avenue & Basch Street,

Investment Opportunities

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Water and Waste Infrastructure

Over the years the City of Bulawayo has been plagued by water shortages due to its arid geographical location. Institutional and cost recovery for water and waste services needs to be improved urgently and concurrently with infrastructural rehabilitation. Most of the City’s water infrastructure is in need rehabilitation or upgrading.…
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Agro- Processing Sector

The Agriculture sector is one of the mainstays of the economy of Zimbabwe. It is characterized by diverse investment opportunities ranging from the production of livestock, cash crops, and production of strategic crops, mechanization, horticulture and the upgrading of agricultural equipment.
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Mining Sector

Introduction Bulawayo’s hinterlands are enriched with vast natural resources which include gold, lithium & natural gas deposits, forestry among others. In the past Mining sector has played an integral part in the City’s Economic Development as it has led to the growth of the City’s heavy Industries.
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Health Sector

Bulawayo Province has limited number of private schools compared to Harare Province. Bulawayo Metro has limited private investment in school infrastructure. While government and the local authority are addressing these requirements, there are opportunities for investors to enter the fray and increase options especially for the suburban middle income constituency.…
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Student Accommodation & Private Schools

Student Accommodation & Private Schools As stated elsewhere in this handbook, Bulawayo is a college city with tens of thousands of university and college students.  Unfortunately, the institutional housing available to these students is less than 10% of requirements.  The province urgently needs student accommodation and all the institutions concerned…
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Energy Sector

Bulawayo is in the region where the sun shines for over 10 months per year, creating an opportunity for solar farms. The land for such projects is available. There are also opportunities in projects that convert waste to energy to take advantage of the millions of tonnes of waste generated…
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Information & Communication Technologies Sector

This sector has grown exponentially in the world over the past 40 years and has become one of the key contributors to GDP for many countries across the world.  There is scope for local assembly of the various ICT access devices; handsets, tablets, notebooks, tablets, dongles, and so on.
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Tourism & Hospitality Sector

Introduction The geographical location of Bulawayo puts it at the center of Tourism in Matabeleland. Bulawayo on its own is a stunner and it offers tourists wonderful sites such as the mixture of old Victorian buildings with the new modern architecture.
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Infrastructure & Transport Sector

Introduction Role of infrastructure is crucial because it underpins development. It lays the base on which economic activities can take off from which then makes it clear that infrastructure provision is a prerequisite for economic development. Infrastructure unlocks economic prospects and promotes growth
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Special Economic Zones

Introduction The Special Economic Zones (SEZ) has been identified as a key programme to attract Foreign Direct Investment in different parts of the country. In Bulawayo, the SEZ sites include the former export processing zone sites Umvumila about 188 hectares, Belmont, Donnington, Westondale and Kelvin industrial areas.
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