

Physical Address

6th floor Mhlahlandlela Gvt Complex
Cnr 10th Avenue & Basch Street,

Health Sector

Bulawayo Province has limited number of private schools compared to Harare Province. Bulawayo Metro has limited private investment in school infrastructure. While government and the local authority are addressing these requirements, there are opportunities for investors to enter the fray and increase options especially for the suburban middle income constituency.
Health care represents a significant investment opportunity in the City, there is a lot of pressure on the City’s Public Hospitals.
The Hospitals are in a poor state and thus not meeting the population’s needs as well as world class standards As such this provides a plethora of investment opportunities for investors.
It is against this background that the Bulawayo Metropolitan Province is looking for investment in various projects.

As it has been established the local authority Bulawayo City Council (BCC) is looking for investment in various projects to improve healthcare for the City’s Residents. The BCC has already set plans for various projects that will hence the quality of health care the City strives to give its patients. The City is also targeting to be a medical tourist destination thereby becoming a medical powerhouse in Southern Africa and beyond

The Health Services Department of the BCC’s main aim is to provide, promote and maintain a clean and healthy environment, with accessible and affordable health services to its residents. As such GIS information is used to provided health statistics and make necessary interventions.

  • Smart burial- double graves, tombstones
  • Solar system at clinics
  • Conversion of solid waste to energy
  • Medical Tourism